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sanctumsys: the website

Finally, a worthy website update. Our battle will be legendary.

hasty edit: i might be leaving twitter

for real this time. fuck elon's nazi platform and fuck the URL change and fuck the site being nonfunctional with firefox tracking protection. you can reconnect with me on:
cohost, tumblr, bluesky and probably a few other places i'll add at my discretion.

welcome to my website, where i'll put things i think are interesting that i want to share outside of the tens of thousands of words i write on discord every day.
i have somewhat contentious opinions about video games.

i don't want to cause any cross-site tracking so rather than embed a youtube link i'll just recommend going to this youtube link to listen to my recommended soundtrack for this site.

the playlist is meant to provide an accompaniment to your browsing of these pages, but feel free to let it act as a connective background as you jump around the webring (currently under construction). it includes a combination of music i had discovered recently when putting together the playlist and music i've been listening to for years that means a lot to me.
take your time. there's no need to rush here.